How to write aparison essay
Fun Topics For A Persuasive Essay
Thursday, September 3, 2020
How the HUD Anti-Flipping Rule Protects Homebuyers
How the HUD Anti-Flipping Rule Protects Homebuyers In May 2003, the U.S. Division of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) gave a government guideline planned to shield expected homebuyers from possibly savage loaning rehearses related with the way toward flipping home loans protected by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). Because of the standard, homebuyers can â€Å"feel sure that they are shielded from deceitful practices,†said then-HUD Secretary Mel Martinez. â€Å"This last guideline speaks to a significant advance in our endeavors to dispose of savage loaning practices,†he said in a public statement. Basically, â€Å"flipping†is a kind of land speculation methodology where a speculator purchases houses or property with the sole goal of exchanging them for a benefit. The investor’s benefit is produced through expanded future deal costs that happen because of a rising lodging business sector, redesigns and capital enhancements made to the property, or both. Speculators who utilize the flipping system hazard money related misfortunes because of value devaluation during decreases in the lodging market. Home flipping turns into an injurious practice when a property is exchanged for an enormous benefit at a misleadingly swelled cost following being procured by the dealer with practically zero obvious upgrades to the property. According to HUD, the savage loaning happens while clueless homebuyers either address a cost far higher than its honest assessment or focus on a home loan at shamefully expanded financing costs, shutting costs or both. Not to Be Confused With Legal Flipping The term â€Å"flipping†in this occurrence ought not be mistaken for the totally lawful and moral act of purchasing a monetarily bothered or overview home, making broad â€Å"sweat equity†upgrades so as to genuinely raise its honest assessment, and afterward selling it for a benefit. What the Rule Does Under HUD’s guideline, FR-4615 Prohibition of Property Flipping in HUDs Single Family Mortgage Insurance Programs,†as of late flipped homes are not permitted to meet all requirements for FHA contract protection. What's more, it permits FHA to require people endeavoring to sell flipped homes to give extra documentation demonstrating that the home’s assessed honest evaluation had really expanded fundamentally. As it were, demonstrate that their benefit from the deal is defended. Key Provisions of the Rule Deal by Owner of Record Just the proprietor of record may offer a home to a person who will acquire FHA contract protection for the credit; it may not include any deal or task of the deal, a methodology regularly saw when the homebuyer is resolved to have been a casualty of savage practices. Time Restrictions on Resales Resales happening 90 days or less after obtaining won't be qualified for a home loan to be guaranteed by FHA. FHAs examination unveiled that among the most grievous instances of ruthless loaning was on flips that happened inside an extremely short time length, regularly inside days. Along these lines, the brisk flips will be eliminated.Resales happening somewhere in the range of 91 and 180 days will be qualified given that the moneylender acquires an extra evaluation from an autonomous appraiser dependent on a resale rate limit set up by FHA; this edge would be generally high to not antagonistically influence authentic restoration endeavors yet at the same time dissuade corrupt venders, banks, and appraisers from endeavoring to flip properties and swindle homebuyers. Banks may likewise demonstrate that the expanded worth is the consequence of restoration of the property.Resales happening between 90 days and one year will be dependent upon a prerequisite that the loan specialist gets extra documentation to help the incentive to address conditions or areas where HUD recognizes property flipping as an issue. This authority would override the higher expected edge built up for the previously mentioned 90 to multi day time span and will be summoned when FHA confirms that considerable maltreatment might be happening in a specific area. Exemptions to the Anti-Flipping Rule The FHA will permit waivers to the property flipping limitations for: properties obtained by a business or movement office regarding the migration of an employee;resales of abandoned, bank-possessed property by HUD under its land claimed (REO) program;sales of property by different U.S. government agencies;sales of properties by charitable associations affirmed by HUD to purchase single-family properties at a rebate with resale restrictions;sales of properties that are gained by the merchant by inheritance;sales of properties by state and governmentally sanctioned money related foundations and Government-Sponsored Enterprises;sales of properties by neighborhood and state government offices; andsales of properties inside Presidentially Declared Major Disaster Areas (PDMDA), endless supply of a notification of a special case from HUD. The above limitations don't have any significant bearing to manufacturers selling a recently assembled house or building a house for a borrower intending to utilize FHA-guaranteed financing.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
An Introduction to Anasazi Puebloan Societies
An Introduction to Anasazi Puebloan Societies Anasazi is the archeological term used to depict ancient Puebloan people groups of the Four Corners area of the American Southwest. This term was utilized to recognize their way of life from other Southwestern gatherings like the Mogollon and Hohokam. A further differentiation in Anasazi culture is made by archeologists and students of history among Western and Eastern Anasazi, utilizing the Arizona/New Mexico outskirt as a genuinely self-assertive gap. The individuals who lived in Chaco Canyon are viewed as Eastern Anasazi. The term Anasazi is an English debasement of a Navajo word meaning Enemy Ancestors or Ancient Ones. Present day Puebloan individuals like to utilize the term Ancestral Puebloans. Current archeological writing also will in general utilize the expression Ancestral Pueblo to depict the pre-contact individuals that lived in this area. Social Characteristics Hereditary Puebloan societies arrived at their most extreme nearness between AD 900 and 1130. During this period, the scene of the whole Southwest was specked by enormous and little towns developed in adobe and stone blocks, worked along the gully dividers, the plateau top or hanging over the bluffs. Settlements: The most renowned instances of Anasazi engineering are the popular Chaco Canyon and Mesa Verde National Parks. These regions contain settlements developed on the plateau top, at the base of the gully, or along the precipices. Bluff homes are average of Mesa Verde, while Great Houses are commonplace of Chacoan Anasazi. Pithouses, underground rooms, were additionally commonplace homes of Ancestral Puebloan individuals in their prior times.Architecture: Buildings were typically multistory and grouped close to the gully or bluff dividers and were reached through wooden stepping stools. Anasazi built commonplace round or squared structures, called kivas, which were formal rooms.Landscape: Ancient Puebloan individuals molded their scene from multiple points of view. Formal streets associated Chacoan towns among them and with significant tourist spots; flights of stairs, similar to the well known Jackson Staircase, interface the base of the ravine with the plateau top; water sy stem frameworks gave water to cultivating and, at long last, rock workmanship, for example, petroglyphs and pictographs, dabs the rough dividers of numerous destinations encompassing, vouching for the philosophy and strict convictions of these people groups. Stoneware: Ancestral Puebloans made rich vessels, in various shapes, for example, bowls, cylindric vessels, and containers with unmistakable enrichments run of the mill of every Anasazi gathering. Themes included both geometric components just as creatures and people typically depicted in dull hues over a cream foundation, similar to the well known dark on-white ceramics.Craftwork: Other specialty creations in which Ancestral Puebloan exceeded expectations were basketry, and turquoise trim works. Social Organization For the vast majority of the Archaic time frame, individuals living in the Southwest were foragers. By the start of the Common Era, development was far reaching and maize got one of the principle staples. This period denotes the development of the average qualities of Puebloan culture. Old Puebloan town life was centered around farmingâ and both beneficial and formal exercises based on agrarian cycles. Capacity of maize and different assets lead to surplus development, which was re-put resources into exchanging exercises and devouring festivals. Authority was likely held by strict and unmistakable figures of the network, who approached food surpluses and imported things. Anasazi Chronology The Anasazi ancient times is separated by archeologists into two principle time periods: Basketmaker (AD 200-750) and Pueblo (AD 750-1600/memorable occasions). These periods length from the earliest starting point of settled life until the Spanish takeover. See the nitty gritty Anasazi timelineSee subtleties on the Rise and Fall of Chaco Canyon Anasazi Archeological Sites and Issues Penasco BlancoChetro KetlPueblo BonitoChaco CanyonKivaChaco Road System Sources: Cordell, Linda 1997, Archeology of the Southwest. Second Edition. Scholastic Press Kantner, John, 2004, Ancient Puebloan Southwest, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Vivian, R. Gwinn Vivian and Bruce Hilpert 2002, The Chaco Handbook. An Encyclopedic Guide, The University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City Altered by K. Kris Hirst
Friday, August 21, 2020
Product Design and Development
Questions : Contextual investigations about uses of steady advancements so as to improve the nature of DPD exercises and lessen the DPD time are likewise shown for understudies. 1. Foundation about strong innovations for structure and item improvement (DPD). 2. Ability about how to apply steady innovations in DPD-Reverse designing. 3. Ability about how to apply strong innovations in DPD-Rapid prototyping producing. 4. Licensed innovation rights and how to apply IPR to ensure IP of DPD ventures. Answers : 1. Item configuration is the technique of making another thing to be sold by a business or undertaking to its customers. In the report title, Outline implies those activities remembered for making the styling, look and feel of the thing, picking the thing's mechanical structure configuration, choosing materials and procedures and planning the various parts essential to make the thing work. Advancement insinuates aggregately to the entire procedure of perceiving a business area opportunity, making a thing to draw in the recognized business division, in conclusion, testing, altering and refining the thing until it is set up for age (Guo, 2010). A thing can be anything from a book, melodic creation, or information organization, to a constructed thing, for instance, a machine, hair dryer or garments washer. This chronicle is fixated on the method of making discrete manufactured things, instead of highlights or edifying things. For Product plan and improvement we need Rapid Prototyping in novation just as Rapid Prototyping, Tooling and Manufacturing (RPM). Quick Prototyping innovation use distinctive planning, machine control and programming techniques including laser, optical looking at, photosensitive polymers, material ejection and declaration, powder metallurgy, machine control, and others to explicitly make a physical model layer by (Layer Fabricating) in comprehension with the geometrical data got from a 3 measurement (3D) CAD model. RP can pass on working model at the early diagram period of the new thing cycle. So producers can use the working models as a piece of associating a multi-prepared gathering made out of the promoting, framework, building and amassing people to design agreeable first model in giving nourishment to the customers. Quick Prototyping (RP) is quick creation of a physical model (Roqueta, 2002). Then again, speedy prototyping is slowly creating to join various extents. In this manner, Rapid Prototyping, Tooling and Manufacturing (RPM) should be used to consolidate the use of the model as a specialist model f or tooling and gathering. 2. Figuring out is used to reexamine a current part either on account of nonappearance of remarkable design data then again fiscally responding to advertise demands. Despite all its latent capacity impacts, figuring out might be a champion among the trickiest structure educates in present day or new designing. To create a matured chariot today, switch building might be the primary other option. Anyway in various occasions making sense of is unreasonably used for various reasons by makers, pioneers, additionally researchers like, an originator would first be able to frame another truck model with earth that can be easily adjusted as required, and after that digitize this world model for making sense of to transform the new arrangement into a thing a lot speedier (Rodgers and Milton, 2011). The going with is an overview of a couple of utilizations of making sense of that have been found to be extraordinarily helpful. The primary arrangement data isn't expeditiously available, either due to part vintage, legal imprisonment, or trade puzzle. The main maker is bankrupt or doesn't make the part any more. This is typical in the flying, auto, likewise even home electronic thing business undertakings. To fix a depleted part without the main arrangement data or any additional parts available, for instance, the engine chamber pioneer of an old chamber engine used as a piece of reap dusters. To abridge the creative work process duration for another thing centered around a present part. It is rare to introduce a fresh out of the box new thing sans planning into the business segment. More consistently than not, another thing is just another model of an old one. The utilization of inverse structure to the old base thing using machine showing with data enter clearly from 3D examining, took after by automated prototyping with machine multiplication can be especially useful for new thing plot (Bell, 2007). Unmistakably, invert building isn't simply used as a piece of the optional offering to rethink contender's things, furthermore can be used by the first gear producer (OEM) for new thing improvement. Case 1 Plan and improvement of another item New Product Development (NPD) offering consolidates courses of action, organizations and things crossing the total thing progression lifecycle, from ideation through design to collecting and age transversely over various business adventures. Client Challenges Improvement of creative things while changing in accordance with new designing examples Introduction of new things inside shorter time ranges Necessity for quick appraisal of thing plans through virtual prototyping Adherence to regulatory essentials and industry measures Upgrade of thing execution and reduced thing improvement costs Case 2 Re-plan of a segment of an item Much of the time, this adage is veritable: don't change it if it isn't broken. Refreshing a thing just for the sole motivation behind upgrading it (and alluding to untested customer accommodation doubts as your explanation) is definitely not an adequate explanation (Eger, 2013). So what are some extraordinary clarifications behind placing assets into a thing update? There is some essential explanation, which is talked about in underneath. Inside portion diminishment Update an out of date look Thing partition 3. Material changing all things considered incorporates the change from a vigorous state, commonly alive and well of ingots, pellets, or powder, unreinforced or fortified, through a liquid stage into a last powerful thing with a specific shape, and properties. These stage changes may incorporate a couple of steps: warming or potentially mellowing, surrounding, solidifying, and finishing. As showed in Fig. 1, 2, 3 and 4 the improvement of the system and the thing ought to be engaged around a conventional comprehension of the interchanges between the materials lead auxiliary contorting. With everything taken into account, machine generations oversee two rule points (i.e., logical exhibiting of the strategy and numerical procedures used to find the course of action). 4. There are six rule classes of protected innovation rights (IPR) like Copyright, Design Right, Registered Design, Confidential data, Patents, Trade Marks. Every one gives a substitute security and is used for various purposes. Enlisted Design Enrolling a blueprint keeps a contender duplicating the physical appearance of a thing or part. The nearness of a thing consolidates lines, shape, structures, surface, hues and materials. Exchange Marks A trade engrave is an indication that can perceive product and organizations from those of various agents (Ilias and Fergusson, 2008). A sign can consolidate a mix of words, logos and pictures. To enroll a trade mark, it must be: diverse for a social affair of items and organizations not equivalent to (or like) any earlier engravings on the register for the equivalent or near product and organizations Copyright Copyright is an IP right that relates to the translation of an idea, not simply the idea. For example, anyone can make a story centered around the idea of a hero, anyway they can't copy the name, the substance or portrayals from various books about a similar subject. Licenses Licenses are for advancements. Business visionaries can search for Patents for another thing or another procedure that can be used as a piece of industry. Configuration Right A Design Right suffers from the outset for quite a while, in spite of the way that it very well may be revived for as long as 25 years. For example, enrolling originator styles will keep others from using those plans. This serves to shield plans from being copied and appearing as pitiful fakes on the more respectable option. Classified data Private information or secret data can be the most significant asset of a business. An engaged edge in the business community may rely upon a business. References Acemoglu, D. what's more, Akcigit, U. (2006). State-subordinate licensed innovation rights arrangement. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research. Ringer, W. (2007). Figuring out. Chandni Chowk, Delhi: Global Media. Winged creature, R. also, Jain, S. (2008). The worldwide test of licensed innovation rights. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Eger, A. (2013). Item structure. The Hague, The Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing. Cultivate, J. also, Price, M. (2005). Attachments, shellcode, porting coding. Rockland, Mass.: Syngress Pub. Gebhardt, A. (2003). Fast prototyping. Munich: Hanser Publishers. Gebhardt, A. (2007). Generative Fertigungsverfahren. Munchen: Hanser. Gebhardt, A. (2012). Understanding added substance producing. Munich: Hanser Publishers. Grinyer, C. (2011). New Challenges for Product Design: The Product of Design. Structure Management Review, 22(4), pp.14-21. Guo, L. (2010). Item Design and Financial Performance. Structure Management Journal, 5(1), pp.5-19. Ilias, S. furthermore, Fergusson, I. (2008). Licensed innovation rights and worldwide exchange. New York: Novinka Books. Rodgers, P. furthermore, Milton, A. (2011). Item plan. London: Laurence King. Roqueta, H. (2002). Item structure. New York, NY: teNeues. Salomo, S., Keinschmidt, E. furthermore, De Brentani, U. (2010). Overseeing New Product Development Teams in a
Friday, June 5, 2020
Post-Secondary Education System - 825 Words
Post-Secondary Education System (Essay Sample) Content: Post-Secondary Education System Students’ Name Affiliate University Post-Secondary Education System Post-Secondary education system proves to be tough for secondary school dropouts. There are several reasons for the stigma on these students. First, there is the case of the age difference. The probability of post-secondary school students to be older than regular students in the system is very high, making it one of the factors affecting their learning process (San Martin family financial capabilities, academic value, and there was the lack of parental engagement on their children’s educational life cycle (Rumberger, 2013). Also, there was a study on the importance of the secondary education system. The study’s central localities were in Virginia and Maryland; these communities proved the importance of teaching since it enhances the literacy rates in the U.S economy (Barrow, Brock, & Rouse, 2013). Also, there are debates on the imp ortance of the post-secondary diplomas attained by drop outs hence creating a lot of tension in the learning industry. Such debates have reduced the importance of the GED system in the U.S economy. Finally, there are the needs to focus on current cons of the discipline since several trends are croppi...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Problem Of Drug Trafficking - 1669 Words
The US/ Mexico borderlands are the site of a number of â€Å"flows†of goods, people, and ideas over the last century. The US is attempting to increase the â€Å"flow†of some goods such as food, but restricting others like illegal immigration and drug trafficking. The US has been trying to stop drug smugglers and illegal immigration by setting some policies. When Salinas became the president of Mexico, his number one priority was to stop drug trafficking and smuggling it into the US so both countries could sit and talk about NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). Drug trafficking was and still is the number one problem in Mexico. â€Å"During Salina’s six-year term in office, arrests nearly doubled, prominent traffickers were jailed, and principal figures in the Camarena case were convicted.†(Andreas) The Salina’s antidrug offensive helped pacify US critics and paved the way for the passage of NAFTA. But this agreement did not stop drug smugg lers, it actually encouraged more drug-related corruption. â€Å"As more government resources were devoted to drug control, smugglers responded by devoting more resources to paying off those doing the controlling.†(Andreas) The NAFTA was consider a success in the early years, US Government thought that Salina’s government did very good and it was going to stop drug trafficking. It was not until later that they realized NAFTA was not as good as it looked, Mexican trucks were able to cross the border with food without being checked by the US police, soShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Drug Trafficking1463 Words  | 6 Pages Imagine sitting in class taking a test just like any other normal test day, and suddenly you look up and see a big drug gang arresting 43 of your fellow classmates. You probably read this and think â€Å"That’s impossible, the police won’t allow it†but on September 26, a drug gang just did what you thought was impossible. The drug gang allegedly abducted and killed 43 students in Mexico’s Southern Guerrero State. This picture makes me think of injustice. I feel this way because I close my eyes andRead MoreThe Problem Of Drug Trafficking10787 Words  | 44 Pagesng in the United States Drug trafficking is the worldwide illegitimate trade, which involve the cultivating, producing, distributing and the selling of materials that are subject to the drug proscription laws. There are a number of drugs which are trafficked into the United States. These include, but are not limited to heroin, marijuana and cocaine. The system of drug trafficking in the United States as well as in other countries and continents remains very complex. Although the government and non-governmentRead MoreThe Problem Of Drug Use And Trafficking843 Words  | 4 Pagesessay on the problem of drug use and trafficking and the multiple possibilities of solving this issue) It has come to my attention that a certain issue needs to be addressed and if this issue continues to grow then this town could see some serious changes and people could find themselves in serious dilemmas. The issue I am addressing is drug use and trafficking that has been known of for many years. Due to the fact that the least bit of attention has been brought upon drug trafficking it has begunRead MoreDrug Trafficking Is The International Problem1390 Words  | 6 PagesDrug trafficking is the illicit production transportation and trade with drugs. These drugs are produced in one country of the world and with strong network communication are traded to different destination of the world. It is clear that the existence of drug trafficking is the international problem, which needs rapid solutions. The harmful impact of drugs is commonly known all over the planet, that is why the majority of the drugs prohibited. Also it has a tremendous social impact that is breakingRead More I llicit Trade and Drug Trafficking Proving to be a Major Problem1291 Words  | 6 Pagesand Drug Trafficking Proving to be a Major Problem Drug trafficking and illicit trade have proven to be major problems that the international community face as it enters into the twenty-first century. Currently the illegal drug trade market is one of the largest sectors of the modern global economy. Because of this fact, the drug trade is deeply rooted in many nations economic and social cultures, which makes it very difficult to control. Drug trafficking also brings with it the problems of organizedRead MoreDrug Trafficking: An Ongoing Battle Essay1362 Words  | 6 PagesDrug trafficking is a prohibited, global trade that involves the production, the distribution, and the sales of drugs. It is a topic that has become a very large issue all over the world. It also has had a very big effect on many different countries because they often depend on the business that the drug trafficking creates. Since it has become such a problem, there have been many different efforts to put a stop to drug trafficking by different enforcement agenc ies. A website about drug statisticsRead MoreDrugs Are Bad, M’Kay. Drug Trafficking Is A Very Serious1074 Words  | 5 PagesDrugs are bad, m’kay. Drug trafficking is a very serious problem. Simple solutions such as legalization of the drugs to prevent all problems and taxing it to make money off of would be common sense but it doesn’t happen. I know that some drugs aren’t illegal in some states and countries but it hasn’t turned into a problem for them. I am curious to know more about how it affects the economy, why people do it, and what are resolutions for the issue. Most countries have to deal with it everywhereRead MoreWar On Drugs And Drug Trafficking960 Words  | 4 Pageshuman trafficking, drug trafficking, and weapons trafficking. One of the most harmful organized crimes is drug trafficking. What makes drug trafficking organized is the system of production to distribution. Drug trafficking organizations have a hierarchy of power from the kingpins to the couriers. Drug also has political influence they are able to bribe and blackmail politicians. Trafficking drugs is a multi-billion-dollar business, and the United States is one of its largest markets. Drug traffickingRead MoreGlobal Crime Analysis1134 Words  | 5 Pagesworld. Global crime can be international drug smuggling operations, human trafficking, or international prostitution rings. Weapons trading are also a problem that exists all over the world. There are always concerns of rogue nations selling nuclear weapons to other nations that do not follow the guidelines of the world community. In the international community, human trafficking has become an issue that is spiraling out of control. The International Trafficking (2010) website cites that victims ofRead MoreWhy Drug Trafficking Continues to Rise Despite the Risks Involved1181 Words  | 5 PagesDrug use around the world is very common. According to Drug Trafficking, â€Å"The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that 208 million people worldwide use drugs annually on at least one occasion.†Illegal drug trafficking is an increasing issue around the world that many people are not aware of. This issue causes problems to people everywhere, whether they are involved with drugs or not. Cocaine use has many harmful effects for people. For example, it can cause problems in a child if
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Substance Abuse Within The Community - 3198 Words
Health Problem Statement: After thorough investigation of the homeless population in Newark, the problem that is going to be discussed in this paper is substance abuse within the community. On a broad level, one of the biggest issues facing New Jersey today, as a whole, is the increase use of illegal drugs and substances, specifically heroin. As a direct consequence of drug use, 797 people were reported dead in New Jersey in 2007 (New Jersey Drug Control Update - White House, 2013). This number is larger than the 719 New Jersey citizens who died from motor vehicle accidents, or the 446 people who died from firearms in that same year (New Jersey Drug Control Update - White House, 2013). In 2010, close to 17,000 New Jersey citizens were reported to the state for attending abuse treatment centers strictly for heroin dependence (New Jersey Drug Control Update - White House, 2013). This trending heroin â€Å"epidemic†across the state close to doubled the amount of citizens reported for attending treatment based on marijuana addiction (New Jersey Drug Control Update - White House, 2013). In a related study, that same year, Essex County comprised 10.0% of all substance abuse in New Jersey (Substance Abuse Overview in Essex County, 2011, pp. 3-15). This was more than any other county in the state (Substance Abuse Overview in Essex County, 2011, pp. 3-15). Focusing in on the city of Newark, within Essex County, 53.8 % of all people admitted for substance abuse treatment wereShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Substance Abuse Within Indigenous Communities909 Words  | 4 PagesThe issue of substance abuse within Indigenous communities is a key contributor for their over-representation in the YJS. For instance, results from the 2002 NATSISS (National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey) has indicated the likelihood of being charged for a criminal offence is 3 in 5 for high-risk alcohol users, in comparison to 1 in 4 for non-consumers (Weatherburn et al. 2006, p8). Moreover, th e National Drug Strategy Household Survey has found that IY were more likely thanRead MoreA Substance Abuse Recovery Home1498 Words  | 6 PagesThe need for a substance abuse recovery home in Starke County, Indiana is a need that is unmistakable in the county based on the hefty number of individuals that suffer from substance abuse and dependency in the county which is clearly displayed by the recent number of crimes that are related to or involve illicit and prescription drugs. In attempt to meet this need and create an opportunity for individuals suffering from substance abuse and dependency to receive local substance abuse treatment inRead MoreThe Mission Of The Hope House1481 Words  | 6 Pagesindividuals that suffer from substance abuse and dependency a safe local recovery home that provides support and guidance in obtaining and maintaining sobriety, which will require the program to access and implement several assets. â€Å"According to the field of community psychol ogy, many of the most complex and intransigent social and community problems can be transformed by the recognition, appreciation, and utilization of the assets and inner resources that already exist within those social settings†(JasonRead MoreThe Effects Of Residential Schools On Disadvantaged Backgrounds855 Words  | 4 Pagestremendous psychological abuse to not only the children being forced to leave their homes, but also to their guardians. After this traumatic event, many aboriginal people resorted to substance abuse in order to cope with their experience in these schools. One study reported â€Å"82 percent of individuals were involved in substance abuse behaviors after attending residential schools.†(Chansonneuve, 2007, p.22). I believe that there is a negative correlation between substance abuse and crime rates, as provenRead MoreBenefits And Limitations When Prevention Providers Are Looking For Successful Programs Essay1722 Words  | 7 PagesThe Nation al Institute on Drug Abuse, or NIDA, provides a large research-based guide of the most effective prevention programs. This research should be the number one tool when looking into different types of programs, although it does not include every single program. A common problem in the prevention field consists of registries missing important strategies, including environmental approaches. These approaches may not benefit the individual directly, but the community. These strategies may or mayRead MoreAddiction : The Canadian Aboriginal Community1690 Words  | 7 PagesSkinner The Canadian Aboriginal community consists of a strong support system founded on tradition, heritage, and spirituality. However, the history of Natives in Canada is polluted with marginalization, abandonment, and powerlessness. It has been argued that this history is the foundation for the addiction in Canadian indigenous communities, where the rates of substance abuse remain extremely high. Prior to the colonization of North American Natives, addictive substances such as tobacco, and alcoholRead MoreSubstance Abuse And Public Administration863 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis: Substance Abuse and Public Administration Substance abuse within the US is a very significant issue, with costs â€Å"exacting over $600 billion annually†(National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2015). Various laws and regulations have been put in place in order to lower the amount of substance abuse cases. This has in turn triggered the establishment of appropriate public administration institutions. Even with these institutions there has been very little relief with the issue of substance abuse. AnalysisRead MoreThe Goals And Objectives Of The Hope House1134 Words  | 5 PagesThe goals and objectives of The Hope House will be explored and specifically defined within this section of the proposal along with the action steps that are needed to attain the stated objectives and goals. The goals will specifically define what the program wants to accomplish (Kirst-Ashman Hall, Jr., 2015). The objectives or subgoals will further define what needs to be accomplished to meet each of the goals that are established. The action steps are the actual activities that are needed toRead MorePrison Based Substance Abuse Treatment Paper1641 Words  | 7 PagesResearch has identified that prison based substance abuse treatment for offenders differs greatly for males and females. Female offenders tend to have numerous triggers for their substance abuse with the research showing female offenders being significantly disadvantaged compared with male offenders when entering treatment program s (Messina, Grella, Cartier, Torres, 2010). The following essay will summarise research conducted on the topic of substance abuse treatments for incarcerated females, lookingRead MoreSubstance Abuse Affects An Estimated 25 Million Americans895 Words  | 4 PagesSubstance abuse affects an estimated 25 million Americans. This includes the individual abusing the substance, as well as others that are indirectly affected by the substance abuse, such as: friends and family of the abuser as well as people injured or killed in accidents related to substance abuse impairment. There are 16 million adults that are considered alcoholics (heavy drinkers) and almost 300,000 people under the age 18 (Mental Health America, 2015). Alcoholism relapses are common. After
Haribo History free essay sample
The gummy bear made in Germany which is called gummibarchen in German, started in Germany in 1920. It was made by Hans Riegel in Germany. Hans Riegel, was born in 1893 in Friesdorf, He was the son of Peter and Agnes Riegel . After WWI, Hans was working in Heinen in Bonn-Kessenich but then was changed into the name of Heinen and Riegel. In 1920 Hans began working with a company of his own, he lived In a house in Bergstrasse in Kessenich.In 1945, Hans senior died, upon returning to Bonn from being prisoned in war camps , Hans junior and his younger brother, Paul, resolved to revive and expand the family business. They changed the recipe of their gummy bear sweets to make them colored and fruit-flavored. Paul took charge of production and technical matters, while Hans, who had been studying economics at the University of Bonn, handled sales and marketing.Hans Riegel was the oldest son. We will write a custom essay sample on Haribo History or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He graduated from the Jesuit boarding school. He did his doctrine in 1951 at Bonn with his thesis The development of the world sugar industry during and after the Second World War. In fact, the name of the company, Haribo, comes from the first two letters of his name and where he was from (HANS RIEGEL BONN).[Haribo was recognized early on in the sixties. In 1962, the first TV advertisement for Haribo was broadcast in Germany. In the middle of the sixties, the advertising slogan Haribo macht Kinder frohwhich meant â€Å"haribo makes children happy†was made by the addition und Erwachsene ebenso which meant â€Å"and adults too†. These slogans expanded further on. The great success of the Goldbears encouraged Haribo to have an official birth certificate issued.You may not be aware of this but gummy bears taste different in certain countries. Also in some countries they have different flavors than others. The gummies were considerably different in color, texture, and flavor. Color was the first noticed in difference. The American ones, made with artificial colors, were more realistic than the German ones, which are made with natural colors. Texture-wise, the American ones are much softer and easier to chew than the German ones which are tougher. The German gummy bears had more flavor that was closer to real fruit than the American ones.
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